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The Anatomy Of Hate
Revati Laul’s narrative, built on a decade’s worth of research and interviews, is the very relevant addition to literature on violence
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A Strange Kind of Paradise: India through Foreign Eyes
Sam Miller investigates how the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Chinese, Arabs, Africans, Europeans and Americans came to imagine India.
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A People's Constitution: The Everyday Life of Law in the Indian Republic
A People’s Constitution considers the ways that ordinary citizens produced, through litigation, alternative ethical models of citizenship.
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The Myth of the Holy Cow : With additional material: B.R. Ambedkar on beef-eating and untouchability
Historian Dwijendra Narayan Jha argues that the holiness of the cow is a myth and its flesh played an important part in the cuisine of India
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Born a Muslims - Some Truths about Islam in India
Born a Muslim breaks stereotypes to present a compelling and illuminating portrait of one of the largest and most diverse community in India
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The Righteous Mind
The book explores how morality evolved to enable us to form communities, and how moral values are not just about justice and equality.
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The Inner life of Animals
Surprising, humbling, and filled with delight, this book shows us that animals think, feel and know in much the same way as we do.
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Ghost Stories from the Raj
Ghost Stories From The Raj by Ruskin Bond contains nineteen short stories which were written during the British colonial times
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The Fourth Peshwa
The Fourth Peshwa tells the story of a frail young man had to prematurely step into his father’s shoes and rose to the occasion.
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Wanderers, Kings, Merchants: The Story of India through Its Languages
Through a first-of-its-kind and incisive study of languages, it presents the astounding argument that all Indians are of mixed origins.
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